The Ways Athletes Can Maintain a Top-Notch Smile

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As an athlete, you most likely spend many days in the front yard shooting hoops, throwing the football, or hitting the baseball. You’re probably so focused on how to get better, faster, and stronger. While you focus on those things, it’s also important to focus on your teeth and gums. This is important because you can suffer dental problems and emergencies if you’re not careful. So, please care for your smile regularly by doing the following things:

-Wear a mouthguard: A mouthguard is a strong appliance that fits over your arch of teeth and protects it when hard, forceful objects hit the mouth. This is possible because the guard absorbs the pressure applied to the mouth, which helps you prevent knocked-out, broken, and chipped teeth.

-Avoid sports drinks: Whether you believe it or not, sports drinks are loaded with sugar. So, when you drink them, you increase your chances of having cavities. It’s best to avoid drinking sports drinks altogether and just drink water instead.

-Care for your smile each day: It’s important to properly clean and care for your teeth and gums regularly. To do so, you should brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. You should also floss daily with a product of your choice and rinse once a day with antibacterial or fluoride mouthwash. You should also attend your six-month checkups regularly.

For more information and details about how to have a top-notch oral health in Redmond, Oregon, or to schedule an appointment with our doctor, Dr. Jade Cherrington, please contact our office today. All you need to do is dial 541-699-4200 and we will be more than happy to help you!