When the time comes to improve your oral health care, will you be ready? Only by establishing effecting will oral health care routines as you age can you make sure that your teeth will remain strong to stand the test of time. Naturally, your teeth and gums will weaken and deteriorate as you age, so it is important to establish effective oral health care routines and treatments to keep your smile safe.
Have you ever heard about the importance of brushing and flossing daily? If you have not already done so, make sure that you have established effective habits by brushing your teeth twice a day along with flossing between your teeth with reliable interdental tools such as water floss or dental floss. By doing so, you can greatly lower your risk of plaque buildup and dental failure.
Beyond your oral hygiene routines, you also need to set forth effective and nutritious dietary plans to keep your smile intact. By avoiding unhealthy products, you can lower the risk of dental damage that can easily occur. You will want to avoid products that can damage your smile, including chewing tobacco and drugs.
Are you in need of aging oral health care in Redmond, Oregon? If so, our team at Rimrock Dental of Redmond can help. To schedule a visit to our call us at 541-699-4200 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jade Cherrington.