We spend so much time looking at care for teeth that it’s easy to forget how important it is to care for your gums. Without those, it’d be impossible for teeth to remain strong and effective throughout our life. This is why you need to put so much time and energy into caring for your gums. If you don’t you... read more »
What are veneers? Veneers are thin, custom-made, shells that are attached to the front of the teeth to improve their appearance. These tooth-colored restorations are made from composite resin or porcelain. In most cases, veneers are irreversible because the front of the teeth are shaped to allow room for the veneers. When are veneers used? Veneers are used to cover... read more »
Are you aware of the potential risks factors to your mouth that can arise due to the presence of mouth jewelry? Mouth jewelry, specifically lip or tongue rings, have been known to cause several variations of dental damage that can put your mouth in a very bad position. Understand that it can destroy your smile in seconds if you are... read more »
Do you have questions about dental fillings? If so, our dentist, Dr. Cherrington, is happy to help you find the information you need so you can know more about the restoration. The more you know, the better. So, he is happy to help you by answering commonly asked questions about dental fillings, which are: Q: What types of dental fillings... read more »
Numerous risk factors are present when it comes to damage pulps. The pulp is the life force of a tooth in which the nerve endings, connective tissues, and blood vessels all reside. However, the pulp can be damaged due to a variety of reasons. Once your pulp is damaged, it will need to be extracted, or you will lose... read more »
As an athlete, you most likely spend many days in the front yard shooting hoops, throwing the football, or hitting the baseball. You’re probably so focused on how to get better, faster, and stronger. While you focus on those things, it’s also important to focus on your teeth and gums. This is important because you can suffer dental problems and... read more »
When dental implants first entered the dental community, they were used to single areas of tooth loss only, but the last 20 or so years have seen a great evolution in dental technology that has enabled dental implants to begin replacing multiple teeth at a time with implant-supported dental bridges. Even if an area of your teeth are artificial due... read more »
Maintaining a healthy mouth throughout your life relies on several important factors. This includes making sure to brush your teeth each morning and night, as well as thoroughly flossing at least once each day. Dr. Jade Cherrington also notes that you should attend a regularly scheduled dental exam every six months. This important appointment can effectively clean and polish your... read more »
Even the best toothbrush may not reach every part of every tooth. For example, your back teeth, also known as your molars may not always get the attention that they need. And even if you do brush your molars with care, they aren’t the easiest teeth to clean. Your back teeth have the tough job of crushing and grinding your... read more »
The outermost layer of each of your teeth is made up of hard tooth enamel. Its inherent mineral density provides your teeth with the ability to bite and break down food while also protecting the sensitive core of the tooth. Each of your dental checkups at Rimrock Dental of Redmond is designed to detect any developing oral health concerns before... read more »