Are you missing one or more of your natural teeth? Are simple acts like chewing, speaking, or smiling uncomfortable? If so, dental implants could be the ideal solution for you. With this restoration, our team is able to complete and improve the function of your smile. If you are interested in a dental implant, we recommend that you meet with... read more »
If you are interested in restoring your smile by replacing missing teeth, our dentist could recommend a dental implant. These artificial teeth are intended to feel and function like one of your natural teeth. Implants are also designed with durability in mind, and with proper care, they can last a lifetime. Some other benefits that come from dental implants include:... read more »
Everyone has questions for their dentist at one time or another, but how often do you actually think of the questions you have while you’re sitting in the dentist chair? Probably not very often. Here is a list of the most-asked questions to dentists by their patients. Chances are, you have some of these same questions, too. Q: What is... read more »
Gone are the days when we believed that chewing gum “ground” sugar and other dental threats into teeth. Of course, chewing sugar gum is still highly discouraged– but now we know that some gum products, like xylitol-sweetened gum, can actually reduce cavity formation. According to the ADA’s website, clinical studies have shown that “chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes following... read more »
While there may be an occasional trick-or-treater with a passion for dentistry, skipping up to your doorbell dressed as a ghostly bicuspid– the most dentally oriented spooks you can reasonably expect to see on Halloween are probably vampires… maybe a werewolf or two. But did you know that there is a real ghostly phenomenon in dental science? Real ghost… teeth... read more »
It’s that scary season again… no, not the sudden onslaught of small costumed visitors– when we say scary, we mean SWEETS– that’s what dentists are thinking about! Halloween is pretty much the biggest holiday when it comes to candy; most kids will eat more candy at parties on the big day itself than they will all year. While a little... read more »