Do you drink dark beverages like coffee, tea or soda or use tobacco on a regular basis? You’ll find that this may turn your smile an unsightly shade of yellow. If your staining is moderate to severe, the whitening products sold in stores will likely lack the strength to fully brighten your tooth enamel. Other more potent whitening products can... read more »
When a patient is missing one or more adult teeth, Dr. Jade Cherrington may recommend a dental bridge in Redmond, Oregon, to restore the beauty and functionality of the teeth. A dental bridge is made up of one or more replacement teeth with a dental crown attached on either side. The dental crowns are bonded to the teeth on either... read more »
Cleaning your teeth is a basic essential for your oral health foundation. At Rimrock Dental of Redmond, we teach our patients in Redmond, Oregon, that excellent oral hygiene habits, combined with a balanced diet and regular six-month dental checkups will help create the confident smile they desire. Today’s blog centers on helping you avoid brushing mistakes while making the most... read more »
Brushing your teeth is pretty simple, right? Toothpaste squeeze to brush, brush in mouth, scrub, done. Right? In reality, brushing effectively is a little more complicated than that. It’s important to understand the right way to brush so you can protect your oral health from bacteria that result in cavities and tooth erosion. Dr. Jade Cherrington amassed a few tips... read more »
I recently became curious about the demographics of the people I see in my office. The dental software we use actually allows us to run these types of reports. Dentistry in Redmond I loved dental school and it was always my dream to have a family based dental practice. I was overwhelmed to see that after over 10 years of... read more »
What is a dental crown? If one of your teeth is damaged or decayed, Dr. Jade Cherrington may recommend a dental crown in Redmond, Oregon. A dental crown, which is shaped like a tooth, is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. When cemented in place, the dental crown will cover and protect the entire... read more »
Dental fillings are designed to eliminate tooth decay. Dental fillings are one of the last lines of defense if your tooth enamel has been breached by the relentless attack of harmful bacteria on your teeth. With dental fillings, dental erosion that has resulted in a cavity can be treated. Dental fillings not only take out a cavity from a tooth... read more »
If you are struggling with gum disease, then it is vital to get the help you need right away. That is why our professional dental team here at Rimrock Dental of Redmond in Redmond, Oregon, is happy to help you with your gum disease, so you can reverse this condition before you suffer painful consequences. Gum disease can cause many... read more »
Tooth enamel is a complex mineral substance that includes microscopic pores and textures. When you drink acidic beverages or fail to maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine the acidic environment in your mouth could gradually start to weaken the mineral density of your teeth. If persists the demineralization effect could cause the pores in your tooth enamel to expand and... read more »
In my dental practice I am either cementing a crown on a tooth or preparing for one on almost a daily basis. This means that I'm having conversations with people routinely that center around both what the crown is and what it is treating. People often want to know what a crown accomplishes differently than a dental filling. Tooth Fillings... read more »