All You Need to Know About Dry Mouth

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Do you ever suffer from a dry, cottony feeling in your mouth that won’t seem to go away, no matter how much water you drink? If so, you have dry mouth, and we are here to help you understand the condition as well as help you treat it.

What is dry mouth?
Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a condition that forms when you do not have adequate flow of saliva. This is very dangerous because it can alter the health of the hard and soft tissues in your mouth, the debris on your smile will not be washed, and the acids in your mouth will not be neutralized. This condition is known to promote tooth decay, so please do everything you can to treat it.

What are the symptoms of dry mouth?
The symptoms of dry mouth include:

· A constant sore throat
· A burning sensation
· Difficulty swallowing
· Trouble speaking
· Hoarseness
· Dry nasal passages

What are the treatments for dry mouth?
The recommended treatments for dry mouth generally involve chewing or sucking on sugar-free gum or candy on a regular basis to stimulate saliva flow. Other treatments include the use of artificial saliva and oral rinses. Another great way to treat your dry mouth is to stop the use of tobacco products.

How can I prevent dry mouth?
Preventing dry mouth can be very easy. All you need to do is drink 8 FL oz. of water each day, use a humidifier in your home, breathe through your nose the majority of the time, and avoid using medications that cause dry mouth.

Dry mouth is an inconvenient condition that can promote tooth decay if you let it. So, it is very important that you do everything you can to create constant saliva flow. If you want to talk to Dr. Jade Cherrington about the problem, please call Rimrock Dental of Redmond now at 541-699-4200 and schedule an appointment. We will be happy to help you!